Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Oh, Summer

Yes, I dropped off the face of the blog.
Yes, it was because this fun thing called college started happening.
Yes, I'm going to start doing a better job about blogging again.
Are we done here? Sweet.

Hellooooo Summer!!!

Will, Mike and I at Fall Creek Falls this past weekend. We had an awesome time relaxing, 
visiting Gran and Wally, and doing adventurous things like swimming under waterfalls.

In college, there are 6,529 things that you can do with you summer; mission trips, jobs, classes, camps, Summer Beach Projects, traveling, the list goes on and on. This past November, I came to the realization (much to my parents dismay) that this will be my LAST college summer. My last "hoo-rah" as you could say, before I graduate college and this whole "real world" thing starts. So what did I choose for my last big summer adventure? 


Sounds pretty boring right? Not so much though. Once you go to college for a few years and finally get  enough "freedom" to sustain you for a lifetime, you start to miss things like your family, free food, and your Dad getting you a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee every morning. Plus, there are a lot of things here to keep me busy this summer! I am watching the lovely and enthusiastic Emma Morgan again. I am so blessed to be employed by the Morgan family for the fourth summer in a row. Each summer, Emma helps me to grow in patience, and creativity! 
I've also had the incredible opportunity to be the part-time missions intern at Crossroads, my home church, this summer. The Lord answered my prayers when I began to ask that my time this summer would be spent learning to love others better and being challenged in my walk with the Lord. He couldn't have provided a better outlet to do those things. There is a lot happening at Crossroads this summer that I get the chance to be involved in. The first is 10:10 Thrift, a non-profit thrift store where 100% of the profits will go back to local and nationwide missions. Check out the link to learn more about how to volunteer and donate! It is fun seeing this process from the ground up and when the store opens on August 2nd, you best be there! I mean who doesn't love thrifting? 
Through this internship, I'll also be able to go on a mission trip to Haiti in July. I cannot contain my excitement for this trip and will definitely keep updating everyone as I raise support and get ready for my trip.
The last big thing is something that I think is a semi-secret. I've been asked to sort of spearhead the design of a product that could change a lot of lives. The moment I heard about it, it became a passion of mine but the scary part is that I have no clue how to begin, what to do, or who to talk to. I feel inadequate to take on something this big, but our God is faithful in using his children to do big things, so prayerfully this will come to fruition. 
My other summer adventures will include: camping, taking Mike to NYC and on his first airplane ride, laying by the pool, half-marathon training, finishing all the Harry Potter books, making my first bridesmaids dress for the lovely Aubrey Danielson and spending time with Zoe McFall, since we are both in Douglasville at the same time for the first time ever!

So, what are your summer plans? I love reading others blogs and seeing Instagram posts about European travels, adventures in different states, and even fun happenings at home.  Sorry if this was boring, but this blog wasn't created to entertain, but as an outlet for me to share God's faithfulness. Till next time! 

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