Monday, September 9, 2013

Experiencing God

I started this blog to talk about my life. What God is doing, how I am growing, and fun adventures I am having. But it strayed from that when I have tried to get all preachy and that was not the goal.  So, today I am just going to simply state what God has been revealing to me in the past few weeks since I’ve been back at school.
God has been teaching me about prayer in unfathomable ways lately. It started the first week of school when my friends Mike and Murray moved into their new apartment that did not have a washer or dryer and they informed me that they had begun praying for one. Foolishly, I thought to myself, “That is kind of a silly thing to pray for.” and that was the last thought I gave about it… until the next week when their landlord showed up at their door saying, “I have this extra washer and dryer I need to get rid of, do you boys need one?” Boom. Free washer and dryer. WHAT?!?! Like seriously? Talk about ye of little faith on my part.
The next week, I was dropping something off at Mike and Murray’s house, had a conversation with Murray for a bit, decided it was time to leave, and realized I had locked my keys in the car. This is not a new occurrence for me.  This had to have been my 4th or 5th time locking my keys in the car and every time, I try to break into the car on my own before epically failing and calling a locksmith. We called the locksmith and he said it would be $50… I am in college…. “ain’t nobody got money fo dat.!” I knew I would have to pay it but I decided to attempt to break into the car anyways. But first, Murray stops me and says we need to pray about it. Pray about getting into my car? The car I have tried to break into multiple times already? Ok…? Can you guess what happened? Me, Murray, a wire hanger, two crowbars and 15 minutes later, the door is open. Jaw. On. Floor.
This happened on a Wednesday night so by Sunday night, I had decided that I had been putting God in a box. Sure, I prayed about abstract things but I never got that specific. I never trusted like that. So Sunday night at CO Prayer, my friend Javona shared that she had been praying every morning that God would use her to glorify Himself that day. That really spoke volumes to me so I decided to give it a whirl and prayed all day for God to use me. That day at lunch, I got to share the gospel with my friend Madison and sitting there at Chick-fil-a, in the middle of Russell Union, we prayed and she made Christ her Lord and Savior. It was one of the most joyful things I had ever experienced. It taught me that sharing the gospel IS experiencing God. I could not stop smiling and rejoicing.
If that wasn’t already awesome, the next morning I woke up with a sore throat and sinus infection but I was supposed to go give a campus tour for Southern Ambassadors. The whole way there I prayed and prayed and prayed that no one would show up for the tour so I wouldn’t have to talk about campus for an hour with a sore throat. I walked in and there was one family waiting to go on a tour. Feeling defeated and complaining in my head, I decided to pray anyways and thank God for the opportunity to be a Southern Ambassador. Next thing I know, in walks two more Ambassadors. They had three guides for one family so they sent two of us home. God still answered my prayer! Even though it wasn’t quite the way I thought he would. It was the cherry on top to a nice two-week span of God teaching me about prayer and my lack of trust in Him.
All this brings me to today, where the rest of my family and I are waiting anxiously to hear the results of an MRI for my brother, Will. Will is one of the most talented high school athletes I’ve ever seen, and no, I’m not just saying that because I am his sister. He is only a junior and has been looked at and offered scholarships to multiple schools already. Last year, he tore his ACL and was out all season and Friday night at his game he injured it again. My heart is broken for him and I know he is hurting and upset. But I also know that he trusts in the Lord and knows that God has plans to prosper him and not to harm him, and to give him a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11).  But I’m asking that you join with me in praying for him. Even if the results of the MRI aren’t what we hope, pray that Will (and my parents) will have strength and be encouraged by the fact that even of Will never plays football again, it is by far the best thing that could happen to him because it is God’s plan and His plans hold things that are greater than what we could ever imagine.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.  
Philippians 3:20-21 

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