Monday, July 15, 2013

Welcome to Beautiful Dependence!

I’ve been dreaming of this blog all summer long! With the help of the lovely Pam Bearden with Flourishing Designs, I am finally able to introduce Beautiful Dependence!  Pam worked so hard to help me design a blog that reflected my style and personality and I think she did a fantastic job! Blogging is something I've had a desire to do for a long time so with some encouragement from friends and a wonderful blog design I am finally able to make it happen. 

Beautiful Dependence is a lifestyle blog that includes a little bit of everything. You can look forward to some DIY, fashion, recipes, book reviews, features on friends, attempting to become a better photographer and a lot of me sharing how Christ is sanctifying me through different life experiences.  I cannot wait to begin blogging and hope I am able to post consistently! Feedback is very appreciated. To learn more about me and my vision for the blog click here

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