Monday, October 6, 2014

The Perks of To-Do Lists

     Sometimes, you are having a monotonous Monday, studying in a coffee shop, checking things off your to-do list. Mine today:
- Cut and Bind CAD Project
- Read NYT for International Studies
- Make power point for work
- Southern Ambassador Meeting

     Meanwhile in said coffee shop, I begin to have a conversation with the coolest couple I have ever met. Adam and Lindsey graduated from UGA a few years ago, got married, moved to Colorado, and immediately began saving money for the trip of a lifetime. In June, they both quit their jobs, started traveling the US and in a few weeks, they are leaving to go to overseas for two years and travel for the sake of travel. You can check out their blog about all their adventures here. Not only did they have the coolest lives ever, but Adam and Lindsey were incredibly nice people. They wanted to know about me and took genuine interest in my life and what I wanted to do after college.

     When we finished our conversation and I went back to my studies, I couldn't help but be distracted with the thought of how boring my week will be compared to theirs. Or how boring my month will be compared to theirs. Or how boring my year will be compared to theirs. Then I stopped myself. I have told myself time and time again that comparison is the thief of joy, and it couldn't be more true. So rather than wallow in my self-pity after looking at today's to-do list, when I got home, I pulled out my "bucket list". Turns out I've already done a lot of cool things and I've experienced most of them with people that mean a lot to me.

Some things I've already checked off my "To-Do List":

-Have Breakfast at Tiffany's in NYC

-Learn how to kayak

- Run a half-marathon

     I love my life. And while my senior year of college might have its boring days, I can't complain about anything! I have so much life ahead of me and so many experiences to enjoy with people I love. 

Some of the things currently on my "To-Do List":

-Visit all 50 States
- Graduate college
- See the crowned jewels in England
- Learn how to snowboard
-Marry my best friend
- Sew something spectacular
- Drink coffee in Portland
- Watch the ball drop in Times Square

     Thank you Adam and Lindsey for inspiring me enough today for me to actually get on here and blog about it. I'm also going to talk to people more. Kids, don't listen to your parents, strangers are awesome! So what's my point? Don't let today's to-do list hinder you from dreaming about your future list or keep being thankful for what you've already done. The Lord has been so good to me and I am so thankful for the way he has lavished his love on me. Happy Monday!